Sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll, reality TV, Obama, Mitt, Kardashian, vampires, Harry Potter

This is an experimental post to figure out if blog titles and related tags really do increase readership of one’s blog.

My blog gets 1-2 visits per day; a few more right after I post a new blog and mention it at Critique Circle (where I am a member). I’ve recently linked myself with Twitter and Facebook, and added my blog address to my email signature, so that might be responsible for a few more visits than before, but I haven’t noticed any increase in blog traffic because of those new factors.

So check back in a week or so, and I’ll crunch the numbers to see if I can generate more traffic just by using a provocative title or using popular search tags.

What do you think the result will be? More traffic, less traffic, or no difference?
Inquiring minds want to know.

3 responses to “Sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll, reality TV, Obama, Mitt, Kardashian, vampires, Harry Potter

  1. Pingback: Results of last week’s experimental post « Chitrader's Blog·

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